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Cycle viewing (prev/next) for selected files

Posted: 15 Sep 2007, 19:00
by Peter
That is maybe an additional posting to:
Sorting options in filelist in statusbar

All "Lister plugins" for TC use for Next and Previous button only the file which are selected in TC.
When nothing is selected, P and N don't change the view.
When some files are selected, P and N use "cycle view" only in this files.

Cadview does not use the selection, it uses always all (cadview-)files - which is an interessting option too ..
Maybe you can add an option for "Display only selected files / display all files in directory".


Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 10:55
by support
Hello Peter,

We will add this functionality in future versions of the plugin.


Please post questions to the forum or write to

Re: Cycle viewing (prev/next) for selected files

Posted: 24 Apr 2009, 16:19
by Peter
Peter wrote:<font color="blue">
...Cadview does not use the selection, it uses always all (cadview-)files - which is an interessting option too ..
Maybe you can add an option for "Display only selected files / display all files in directory".

Peter</font id="blue">
Seem to be NOT added in Version 7.



Re: Cycle viewing (prev/next) for selected files

Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 11:03
by support
True. It is not made in version 7. The question is under proceeding.
