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Problems in formatting the posting

Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 14:38
by Peter
the formatting options (Bold, Quote, Code, ..) are strange. The do not format the selected text - they always insert the start-tag and end-tag at the same position.


Re: Problems in formatting the posting

Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 15:27
by support
It is necessary to select at first required text, then click on Bold button.


Re: Problems in formatting the posting

Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 16:21
by Peter
Yes, I know, but take a look at the source code of this posting ...


Re: Problems in formatting the posting

Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 17:07
by support
So what? What does confuse you?


Re: Problems in formatting the posting

Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 18:10
by Peter
(Sorry, the source code does not display what I mena.)

The problem is described in my first posting:
Although I select a text and then press the "Bold"-Button, the tags are placed at the end of the selected text (Internet Explorer 6.0, Win XP Prof.).


Re: Problems in formatting the posting

Posted: 28 Apr 2009, 09:16
by admin
This text line was added under Windows XP SP 2, Internet Explorer v6. The line was selected by mouse. Then button "B" was pressed. Tag codes were added at the beginning of the selected line and at the end. It was correctly.

Re: Problems in formatting the posting

Posted: 28 Apr 2009, 09:23
by support
Hello Peter,

Accordingly to the admin's report everything works perfectly under Windows XP SP 2, Internet Explorer v6. It is necessary just to select required text line and to press nesessary tag button.


Re: Problems in formatting the posting

Posted: 28 Apr 2009, 11:45
by Peter
Maybe it is only a problem of my PC (see attchement).


Re: Problems in formatting the posting

Posted: 28 Apr 2009, 12:37
by support
Yes, this is rather strange behaviour. We will keep testing under other operating systems.


Re: Problems in formatting the posting

Posted: 05 May 2009, 13:50
by Peter

this seem to be a problem of my computer. It occurs on other fori too ...


Re: Problems in formatting the posting

Posted: 05 May 2009, 15:10
by support
Thank you for the info, Peter.
We hope you'll be successful when solving this problem.
