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Layerdialog - Tooltipps and search

Posted: 31 Aug 2009, 12:57
by Peter
The new layerdialog has no tooltipps on the icons.

And how does the "search" works? It seem to be broken.


Re: Layerdialog - Tooltipps and serach

Posted: 01 Sep 2009, 13:43
by support
Hello Peter,
Peter wrote:The new layerdialog has no tooltipps on the icons.
Thank you for discovering the error. We shall examine its decision in the future.
Peter wrote:And how does the "search" works? It seem to be broken.
In the dialog box "Layers" implemented a simple search on the layer name when you change the editing window. The found item is selected and set up of the control.


Re: Layerdialog - Tooltipps and serach

Posted: 01 Sep 2009, 14:24
by Peter
Is it right that the search does not support wildcards and does not search strings inside the layername (only the beginning of the names)?


Re: Layerdialog - Tooltipps and serach

Posted: 01 Sep 2009, 14:55
by support
You are absolutely right. And we plan to expand the search capabilities in the Layers dialog.


Re: Layerdialog - Tooltipps and serach

Posted: 25 Oct 2010, 20:19
by Peter
support wrote:You are absolutely right. And we plan to expand the search capabilities in the Layers dialog.

No new features now?


Re: Layerdialog - Tooltipps and search

Posted: 26 Oct 2010, 18:40
by support
Hello Peter.
CADView 7.3 doesn't include such addition, layers can be searched by string that starts from first symbol only.
