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feature request: "full text search" in TC?

Posted: 30 Aug 2010, 21:02
by Peter
I surfed around the internet for a solution "search with iFilters in TotalCommander". In Microsoft Explorer it is integrated with an Autodesk programm, in TC it is not so easy to search in MText, in Layernames and so on ...

This would be a nice additional feature for CADView.

What to you think about it?


Re: feature request: "full text search" in TC?

Posted: 31 Aug 2010, 12:58
by Evgeny Chuzhakin
Hi Peter,

Thank your for the suggestion.
CADView plugin for Total Commander is intended to be a fast small plugin.
Search function for Texts, MTexts, Dimensions, etc and many other convenient functions implemented in other applications from CADSoftTools: ABViewer.

Kind regards,

Re: feature request: "full text search" in TC?

Posted: 31 Aug 2010, 13:04
by Peter
Can I integrate the search feature of ABViewer in the search-features of Windows Explorer or other file-managers?


Re: feature request: "full text search" in TC?

Posted: 31 Aug 2010, 14:01
by Evgeny Chuzhakin
There is no such integration provided.
We think about developing in future a new application - Search-In-DWG, with possibility to search all the strings including attributes in all the DWG files in directory. If you interested in such application please contact us by e-mail: and we will discuss this more closely.