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Picture export - Pixel or millimeter

Posted: 27 Aug 2007, 16:47
by Peter
The dialogue of Picture export shows the option between "Pixel" and "Millimeter", but both options are grey (disabled) and fixed to pixel.

How can I set "Millimeter"?


Posted: 28 Aug 2007, 16:07
by support
This option is not supported at the moment.

Please post questions to the forum or write to

Posted: 04 Sep 2007, 11:55
by support
Hello Peter,

Please try updated plugin:


Please post questions to the forum or write to

Posted: 05 Sep 2007, 15:48
by Peter
A DWG with 210 * 297 mm shows

"Source extents (1:1) 69.453125 x 98.226563 MM"

Why these extents?
Why so many digits behind the comma?

When I chose "Image size: Millimeters", I get 240 / 340 (with 300 DPI). The Millimeters should be the same, isn't it?

When I select
- "1:1"
- Image size: millimeters and
- change the resolution from 300 to 200 DPI, the millimeters in image size are changing.
Why? I thought that "1:1 mm" keeps the size in mm and change only the number of pixels?


Posted: 05 Sep 2007, 16:06
by support
Hello Peter!

Please send us your file to for testing. Please make a reference to this topic in your letter.


Please post questions to the forum or write to

Posted: 06 Sep 2007, 13:58
by Peter
I sent it just now.


Posted: 07 Sep 2007, 09:43
by support
Hello Peter,

Thank you for the file.
We will consider the problem and inform you when update is available.


Please post questions to the forum or write to

Re: Picture export - Pixel or millimeter

Posted: 24 Apr 2009, 16:28
by Peter
Peter wrote:The dialogue of Picture export shows the option between "Pixel" and "Millimeter", but both options are grey (disabled) and fixed to pixel.

How can I set "Millimeter"?

Seem to be NOT fixed in Version 7.



Re: Picture export - Pixel or millimeter

Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 10:24
by support
True. It is not fixed in version 7. The question is under proceeding.
